A high-quality clay sand is also available from the company in metric tonne (1,000kg) bulk bag packaging.
Typical usage is in foundry / smelting operations and steel mills for launder purposes.
Product is available in metric tonne (1,000kg) bulk bags.
Typical Chemical Analysis:
Silica 99.32%
Aluminium Oxide 0.16%
Ferric Oxide 0.07%
Calcium Oxide 0.10%
Magnesium Oxide 0.02%
Sodium Oxide 0.02%
Potassium Oxide 0.10%
Moisture 0.10%
Loss on Ignition 0.2%
Typical Physical Properties:
Specific Gravity g/mL) 2.56
Tapped Bulk density 1.55
AFS clay content 0.3%
AFS fineness No. 60.65%
Typical Physical Properties:
Specific Gravity g/mL) 2.56
Tapped Bulk density 1.55
AFS clay content 0.3%
AFS fineness No. 60.65%